Saturday 25 January 2014

Ultimate Workout Playlist

Hey guys. It's nearly the end of January and to the people who have stuck to their healthy kick, go you and for those who havent, you have another 11 months to get things kick started, don't worry! Anyway I know that a lot of people find it hard to get motivated to either go to the gym or just go out for a walk but I find the right songs can really help change that. I find myself working out harder to certain songs and I love nothing more than going for a long walk with some great tunes to keep my company, here's a few song that I think will get you motivated to move! Enjoy!

When this comes on when I am in the gym I find myself pushing myself harder in whatever I am going, the song is full of attitude and it's perfect for any workout playlist!

This song is perfect for any exercise, I find that it get you in the mood to start anything that you have wanted to put off, I sometime even listen to it when I need to start an assignment

Probable the best mash up off all time, this song is great for a workout. My trainer played it loads in my last training session and it was a great song to workout to

I obsessed with this song. Its perfect for your workout playlist

This is the perfect song for some cardio, it's fast upbeat and the country element ups the tempo

Although Azealia Banks annoys me this is perfect for doing stuff like squats and lunges

This might strike you as an odd one but this is actually an unreal song to listen to while at the gym

The only song I can squat to!

We all like to think we look like beyonce when we workout but we don't but this song makes it easier to pretend

I know myself that I work out harder to any Calvin Harris song. This is my favorite of his and I think it's perfect for any workout

Rihanna's best song in my opinion, is the perfect accompaniment to any gym user

My ultimate workout song, perfect for any kind of workout!

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