Tuesday 14 January 2014

15 years of Britney Spears

Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the release of Britney's single Baby One More Time. 15
years, you have no idea how old I feel. I remember seeing the video for the first time, I was only 5 at the time but it had an impact, I thought the song was good and she was so pretty, she has been my idol ever since.
We all know Britney has had her troubles but she made one of the biggest comebacks of all time, and has proved that even though pop music has changed through the years she can make a hit record, she is adaptable and thats why she is still in demand, her 2 year residency in Veras proves that.
I first saw Britney at the Point Depot in 2004 on the Onyx Hotel tour, it was my first concert and she had sold out all 3 shows. She was phenomenal, she could move, she looked great and she put on an amazing show. I also saw her at her Circus tour in 2009 and she was just as spectacular. I was upset not being able to see her in 2011 but I was really busy. This woman knows how to please a crown and thats why we love her. You get a show with Britney and a damn good one too. I still listen to her old stuff as well as new and I can tell you hand on heart she is still a pop sensation, Thank You Britney for 15 years on great fun upbeat music, I hope we get 15 more!

The song that started it all

A Pure pop classic, still sounds great 10 years on

One of most iconic hits if not for the famous red catsuit

Her first single from her comeback that topped the charts and showed the world why she is a superstar

My favorite song from the stars old stuff it's fun, upbeat and reminds me of my childhood

Madonna and Britney gave us one of the best duets in pop music and it's still a tune

Teaming up with one of the biggest producers on the planet and gaining a number one smash in the process

Her latest offering showed us all she is back and full of attitude

She was going through a rough patch at the time but still gave us a great tune

Not as well knows but it's such a fun song it has to be included

From Femme Fatale this song is unbelievable and still sounds great in the clubs

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