Tuesday 23 July 2013

Royal Baby First Apprence

Today is the day the bagy watchers have been waiting for, we finally get to see a glimpse of the future King. Today he was brought out onto the steps by the proud parents around 7.30. The parents said he has a strong set of lungs and that he has more hair than Will and Kate's looks! 
I have been checking Sky News all day, even taking rests at the gym to have a look!
They emerged today with the gorgeous little boy in Kates arms after visits from The Middletons and Charles and Camilla. 
Special moment: Prince William and Kate waved and smiled broadly to the waiting cameras as they held their prince on the steps of the private Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital in London
The Happy Family
Will drove his family home back to Kensington Palace to start this new chapter with his wife and child. I think its a great day from the UK and for the Royal Family and all my love goes out to Will and Kate.
There has been a lot of negative responses in Ireland on the amount of press attention  that the birth has gotten, people saying that so many children are born, why is this special, who cares about the English baby, it's nothing to do with us, I don't want to know about the new Royal Baby.
All I can say is that these people are just jealous, people who don't understand that this is a massive occasion. Sure other babies are born everyday but not every baby is the future King of England, that is why he is special. 
I care this baby is born, and many others do, it is historic day and as a history lover, it is great to see History being made. If you don't want to know about the Royal Baby, read a book, listen to some music, go for a walk, but don't begrudge many others who want to know the details. 
This baby is big new Worldwide, not just Ireland.
You will be hearing about this baby for years to come so you might as well get used to it. 
I am happy this baby is here and it is nice to see this gorgeous family unit, on the steps of of the Lindo Wing where 30 years ago Price william was there himself in his mothers arms.
Welcome to the world Baby Cambridge.

The safe hands of the Duchess of Cambridge with her son who was born yesterday, but was thrown into the spotlight today
The Little Prince

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, depart The Lindo Wing
My Favorite Picture of Kate and the Baby

The safe hands of the Duke of Cambridge, as the royal couple and their son who was born yesterday
Resting in his fathers arms

Decades before: Princess Diana and Prince Charles preset Prince William to the world. Diana also wore a polka dot dress similar to the pattern Kate wore
Diana and Charles with Wills in the same spot 31 years ago

Protective: The baby was wrapped in a white shawl - Kate held her new son closely to her chest as she waved to the impressive crowd

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