Sunday 14 July 2013

Cory Monteith

Today I woke up and did my usual routine of checking my Social Media Accounts. I saw a tweet Nick Jonas just posted about how he was sorry to hear about Cory Montieth. I thought the Glee star was in some sort of accident but when I searched his name in twitter it was confirmed he was found dead. To say I was shocked was an understatement.
The actor has been open about his alcohol and substance abuse in the past and went into rehab in April for a substance addiction but he always came across healthy to me and totally in love with his co-star Lea Michele.
The fact that the star seemed to be doing great probably makes it that more shocking. He seemed fine. He and Leah seemed happy and in Love. The first thing I thought when I read the news was, Poor Leah. I cant imagine how she can be feeling right now. There has been talk on twitter that they were set to marry in two weeks which makes this sad story so much more tragic.
Cory's death is shocking and sad because he was also at the beginning of great things. Glee is still on the biggest shows on TV and he became an overnight sensation as the shows leading man. He was still featured heavily even though his character is finished high school. I loved his story and how his character developed over the 4 series of the show. He was about to branch out and do some films, now he wont be able to go on and do more amazing things and that is so sad.
He was a great singer, great actor and he will be sorely missed. As a Glee fan it will be weird and sad to watch the shows without his character. However he has left the world with some great covers and performances. Below is my favorite cover he did on Glee. Its of The Doors Song "Hello, I Love You" from season 1. I love how the song suits his voice and I think its a great track. It's not the most well known Glee track but it has always been a personal favorite of mine.
RIP Cory, a short life gone but he touched so many people around the world.
(A Link to my favorite Glee Performance from Cory)

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