Tuesday 30 July 2013

Skins Rise Part 1: Review

This is the skins I have been waiting for. Cook is back. Cook has always been one of my favorite Skins characters. He was a wild bad boy but cared deeply for the people close to him. We see him in Manchester as a drug peddler on the streets for a dealer named Louis. He is then told he needs to drive Louis girlfriend Charlie around.
The two have an attraction with each other but if Louis finds out it's major bad news for Cook. Charlie and fellow drug peddler Jason, played by the the miscast Lucien Laviscount are sleeping together. Cooks spots them in action and gets beat up by Jason and told to keep his mouth shut. Louis gathers his men and his lady to celebrate his purchase of a house with a nice pool. However he says how he knows that Charlie has been sleeping with one of his "mates" and Jason meets a grisly death by having his head lunged in the pool while being beaten mercilessly at the same time.
Cook panics and tells his girlfriend Emma they are leaving, knowing what will happen to him if he crosses that line of sleeping with the scary bosses girl, however as they make their getaway Cook receives a call for help from Charlie to pick her up and from the trailer of next weeks episode it looks like it's going to be an epic confrontation.
The reason I loved this is because is because it connected to past episodes. Cook is no longer the wild boy we knew, he is, as Louis said "straight down the line". He admits to Charlie "I killed someone" which we know is a reference to him killing Dr Foster after he killed his best friend Freddie. I like how it showed how such as traumatic event changed someone so drastically. Jack O'Connell who playes Cook gives an honest and brilliant performance. Although it was quite dark, it showed the characters really well. Jason was a cocky wannabe who thought he was untouchable but he met a deadly match at the end whistle Louis didn't even flinch. It shows the psychotic nature of Louis even when Cook points out "you know he's dying", Louis just stays purely calm. While the death scene was quite hard to watch it was good for the story. I thought Lucien Laviscount was miscast, I don't think he can pull of the bad boy drug peddler, I thought that he was just there because is a little bit of a name in acting. I thought Liam Boyle was fantastic as Louis, the drug dealing psycho who trust Cook do jobs because he's straight. I also loved this episode because it was a good story with a great character. I liked Effy's story, I just didn't like Effy, I liked Cassie but her story was a bit odd. I also think it was honest to the old character. We knew Cook would end up in a job like this, he was never going to be CEO of Barclays bank, they connected with the past but showed us a new side of the Cook. I can't wait to see the new episode, which will be the last ever, and the could not have picked a better character to end the show with.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Message to Bieber and his Spitting: Grow Up

After reading an article on Mail Online today I  have to say I have lost a lot of respect for Justin Bieber. It showed Justin learning over a balcony and spitting into a crowd of waiting fans. In my opinion Justin needs to shut up and sit down and grow the hell up. I have always liked him and his music, I even went to see him on his My World tour. I have always thought he was a talented guy who loved his fans, but Justin what are you doing. Spitting on anyone in my view, is one of the lowest acts a person can do to another human being.It's degrading and highly disrespectful and for him to do it to his fans, I mean what is wrong with him. These girls made him. He would be nowhere without his fans support. He would just be another kid trying to make it.
To show that level of disrespect to these girls who have paid to see him live, but his music and presumably bought merchandise with his face on it.  He was also seen laughing with his boys after he spat on his fans. This just shows the immaturity of the singer. It was widely reported that Selena Gomez broke up with him particularly for his immature ways and I have to say, If my boyfriend acted like that I wouldn't put up with it, she has every right to tell him to shape up or ship out.
The fact is even thought he spat where his fans were his loyal Beliebers will defend him and I may even get some abuse for this because they won't let anyone boo to Justin Bieber, but really I dont care because I am a 20 year old girl who can take it. Justin needs to realise that he cant do that to people and especially not his fans, he is not invincible to falling record sales, non sell out shows and other things that lead to unpopularity in the music biz.
I don't support this behavior in any way, and it's a real shame because he has some great songs and his is a good performer, I like his stuff just not how he behaves at time, sort it out Justin.

Spitting: Justin Bieber was pictured hurling saliva over a sea of waiting fans from his hotel balcony in Toronto on Thursday
Justin spitting towards his fans in Toronto 

With ex Selena Gomez who reportedly got sick of his immaturity 

Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Debs: Tips to look Fantastic

It's that time of the year again. Deb's, Prom, Graduation, there are many different titles, but it's the night where you get dressed up, spend the night with your class and usually have an unforgettable night.
My Debs was two years ago in November so it was very late in the season but most schools around South Dublin are around October/ November. However I know some Debs are to start in the next few weeks and here are some tips to look fantastic and have a brilliant night.

1: When it comes to the Debs dress get something that will travel well. Sparkles may be a hit now but what about in 20 years. Try to avoid trends that are in fashion and pick a dress that you will look back in 20 years and say, "I looked great that night". At my Debs the colors that were most popular were white and blue. You have to remember what colors suit you skin tone and hair and figure. Also the more simple the dress, the more stunning accessories you can wear. Remember as well, you make the final call, your the wearer.

2: Boutiques are fantastic if you are afraid that you are going to turn up in the same dress as someone else. most will take the name of your school and won't let you get the dress if someone in your year has bought it. most department stores won't do this. I got mine from Coast and I was lucky it was a limited edition stock and the only other place you could get the dress was Belfast. I tried on five of the dresses girls in my year wore and nearly bought one of them. However you can get away with it, thankfully no one in my year wore the same dress as anyone else. Also if you really want to stand out, you can get your dress made.

3: If you are like most girls and are getting your tan done, I recommend getting it done, two days before. You are going to shower the night before your debs and if you are getting an upstyle done on the day hairdresser tell you wash the night before. I did this and it worked really well for me, also try and get this in a package, some salons get give hair, nails tan all in a package at a price.

4: One the day for hair and makeup try and get them to come to you if you can. I got my hair done in Dundrum and I got a MAC girl to come to my house and I'm telling you it relieves so much pressure. You are going to be stressed and the fact that they come to you and go at your pace is great, also MAC girls are the best in the business but there are some freelance makeup artists that will come to your house. Book well in advance though, they will book fast, also book hair in advance too.

5: I'm going to sound like a granny here but don't get blind drunk at your debs. This is a massive night and like any night out, you want to talk about it with your friends, it's not much fun saying "I Don't remember a thing". It's all about enjoying yourself. There many nights to get hammered, leave this one out. Also remember your camera, you're going to have some many potential profilers that night. enjoy yourself and finish secondary school with a bang.

My Debs November 2011

Me and My Bestie, she got her Dress made and it looked amazing. 

Royal Baby First Apprence

Today is the day the bagy watchers have been waiting for, we finally get to see a glimpse of the future King. Today he was brought out onto the steps by the proud parents around 7.30. The parents said he has a strong set of lungs and that he has more hair than Will and Kate's looks! 
I have been checking Sky News all day, even taking rests at the gym to have a look!
They emerged today with the gorgeous little boy in Kates arms after visits from The Middletons and Charles and Camilla. 
Special moment: Prince William and Kate waved and smiled broadly to the waiting cameras as they held their prince on the steps of the private Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital in London
The Happy Family
Will drove his family home back to Kensington Palace to start this new chapter with his wife and child. I think its a great day from the UK and for the Royal Family and all my love goes out to Will and Kate.
There has been a lot of negative responses in Ireland on the amount of press attention  that the birth has gotten, people saying that so many children are born, why is this special, who cares about the English baby, it's nothing to do with us, I don't want to know about the new Royal Baby.
All I can say is that these people are just jealous, people who don't understand that this is a massive occasion. Sure other babies are born everyday but not every baby is the future King of England, that is why he is special. 
I care this baby is born, and many others do, it is historic day and as a history lover, it is great to see History being made. If you don't want to know about the Royal Baby, read a book, listen to some music, go for a walk, but don't begrudge many others who want to know the details. 
This baby is big new Worldwide, not just Ireland.
You will be hearing about this baby for years to come so you might as well get used to it. 
I am happy this baby is here and it is nice to see this gorgeous family unit, on the steps of of the Lindo Wing where 30 years ago Price william was there himself in his mothers arms.
Welcome to the world Baby Cambridge.

The safe hands of the Duchess of Cambridge with her son who was born yesterday, but was thrown into the spotlight today
The Little Prince

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, depart The Lindo Wing
My Favorite Picture of Kate and the Baby

The safe hands of the Duke of Cambridge, as the royal couple and their son who was born yesterday
Resting in his fathers arms

Decades before: Princess Diana and Prince Charles preset Prince William to the world. Diana also wore a polka dot dress similar to the pattern Kate wore
Diana and Charles with Wills in the same spot 31 years ago

Protective: The baby was wrapped in a white shawl - Kate held her new son closely to her chest as she waved to the impressive crowd

Monday 22 July 2013

Review: Skins Pure Part 2

Tonight we concluded Cassie's story. It seems the beloved blond finally got her happy ending. Viewers of the shows from the early seasons knew how fragile her character was. Thankfully she got her happy ending. she is approached to do some modeling and we see her happy and comfortable. We see her self assured and gaining a bit more strength.
I thought her story was not as interesting as Effy's in Skins fire. However it was nice to see the beloved character get the happiness the viewers wanted for her.
We also see the compassionate character take in her brother while their Dad gets away for a little bit.
We don't know if she ends up making it big in modeling but I think it;s nice to see the old carefree Cassie back and someone who is more assured.
I thought the story was a bit odd but it was a fitting to Cassie and it's nice to know that one of the most loved characters got the happy ending we were all rooting for her to get.
Hannah Murray gave another star performance and I believe that it is a lot down to her that we love Cassie so much and she made us get so emotionally invested in the character. She has done a brilliant job in bringing Cassie to life and making us fall in love with her all over again.

Royal Baby: It's A Boy!

This morning I woke up to the news that Kate Middleton was in labour. The future ruler of Britain was about to be born. I spent the whole day watching sky news and going to to twitter to check and tonight after 8pm it was announced that The future monarch was born and it was a Boy. We have a new future King of England.
The baby was born at 4.24pm and weighed 8lb 6oz. I can safely say I am very excited that the new Royal Baby has arrived. Its a great joyous occasion and congratulations to Will and Kate.
I'm not British myself but I am happy for all new life to come into the world and with this baby being the future monarch, it is a historical day.
I wish the family a happy and healthy life and I can't wait to see the baby Pics!

It's a boy: The message displayed outside the palace telling the world that there is a new prince in the British royal family
The Official Birth Announcement

The New Proud Parents

It's a boy: The news beamed in lights from the BT Tower
The BT Tower in London celebrates the great news.

Anticipation: For weeks people have been sleeping outside the Lindo Wing, where the baby is born, and now many will also wait outside the Queen's home
Crowds outside waiting in anticipation for the news of the birth outside Buckingham Palace

Sunday 21 July 2013

Music Review: Stars Dance, Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez has always been my guilty pleasure. I have all of her albums and really like her music. She has been off the music scene for two years and in that two years she has come leaps and bounds when it comes to her music. This album has a much more mature sound to it and she is experimenting with new sounds and genres. She is no longer in the guilty pleasure category, I love this album and i think her music is great, really upbeat and the sort of the thing a 20 year old girl can buy and not pretend its for someone else!

Birthday: The first track of the album is very different from anything she has released. It's a bit reminiscent of Santigold, its got a interesting slow beat and its a song you can sing along to, its a great opener and sets the tone for the rest of the album. 7/10

Slow Down: The second single off the album is another dance track. Its got a good slow beat and the lyrics are fun and easy to sing along to. I loved this song when I first heard it and I think it was a great choice for a single. 7/10

Stars Dance: The albums title track is another slow beat song and there is a fun interesting use of autotune. It's a nice track but I wouldn't have named the albums after this track. 6/10

Like a Champion: This is completely different from most of the album, its a dancehall track and has hints of Rihanna in it. It even has the line "Shine light diamonds in the sky". Its cool to see her try different genres to what is mainly on the album and I think she pulls it off really well. 6/10

Come and Get It: the lead single off her album has Indian sound to it. It's completely different than anything that is in the charts at the moment, when I first heard it I wasnt to sure but I love it now and its goes well with the the dance tracks on the album. 7/10

Forget Forever: This song is a heartbreak song and it has a bit more guitar sounds in it. It has a unique sounds leading up to the chores and it sounds almost like wedding bells. I really like this track think it's cool to see her do something different again. 8/10

Save The Day: This reminds me a bit of europop, honestly I thought this could be an entry for Eurovision. Not in a bad way, it could be a strong contender. I love this song its upbeat and the bridge reminds me of 90's pop. It's also got some latin flavour in it, One of my favorites off the album. 8/10

B.E.A.T: This song sounds similar to Bass Down Low by Dev. I like the song but its not my favorite off the album. 6/10

Write Your Name: This song is a bit slower but builds up coming up to chores and has a dancey beat. Its not my favorite and a bit of a filler but I still like it. 6/10

Undercover: this is my favorite song off the album, I love it, I know all the words already. I love the beat and think its a great dance track, I love this song so much, a great dance pop track. 10/10

Love Will Remember: This ballad is about bieber and the phone message at the start is from Justin. The song is very honest and open but I found the song a bit forgettable. 5/10

Nobody Does It Like You: This is rumored to be about Bieber as well. The autotune gives a cool effect and I really like it. I would have placed it higher on the album listening and i think it would be really cool to see her perform this live. 8/10

Music Feels Better: This song is a great way to finish the album. It's a sunny fun uplifting track. It the type of song that you can have blaring on a sunny day, its  a really fun song and a good way to finish a strong pop album. 7/10


Friday 19 July 2013

Boston Bomber Rolling Stone Cover

Three months ago, as we all know, The Boston Marathon came to an abrupt end when two bombs exploded at the finish line, leaving 264 people injured and 3 dead, including a 8 year old  boy who had come to cheer on his father, what's was even more horrific was that people who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook shootings in december were guest of honor. 
Now 3 months later one of the bombers is dead while the other is on the cover of Rolling Stone. Unbelievable. 
Rolling Stone is one of the most respected, most read magazines on the market, it is a privilege to grace the cover, some of the greats have graced the cover including Jay Z, Paul McCartney, Adele and Bruce Springsteen. 
Now they are putting, the bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover, putting him along the caliber of legends, as if to say, You Have Made It. It's revolting! This mah hurt so many people and upset a nation while also shocking the world. I remember being at my friends house after a day at the races and we were all sat down to have a bit of food and hang out after a long day and we were all glued to the tv watching coverage. Its shocked all of us and we were all horrified at what happened,  it was also a topic of conversation for the next few days and weeks in my circles. This man's actions got the whole world talking about how awful he was, and how is he treated by one of the biggest magazines in the world, he's put on the dame cover. 
What get's me, as well as a lot of people, is that in the photo on the cover, he looks like a Rockstar, it echos the covers of the likes of Jim Morrison. He doesn't look like a killer and a scumbag. He looks like they are writing about his new album. While I have heard that it is an interesting piece on how this man became a monster, I'm sure it is no comfort to the victims of this man, or their families. If a victim were to walk past the cover after losing a leg or getting a burn, what are they going to think, "I got this injury and he gets this glorification". It's terrible and totally insensitive to the victims and their families. 
Rolling Stone has refused to apologize for the cover and standing by their decision, which is in many peoples opinion, including myself, a very bad one. 
This man deserves to be treated like the scum he is. It is refreshing to hear that many stores such as Walgreens and 711 are boycotting selling the magazine. I just hope it doesn't glorify his crimes to people and readers understand that this man is horrible and deserves jail time for the rest of his life.

What He Caused
What He Got

Thursday 18 July 2013

Music Review: One Direction "Best Song Ever" and Jonas Brothers "The First Time"

Summer is always a very popular time to release new music and this year is no different. Two boybands with very different sounds, heres my thoughts on their new tracks.

One Direction: Best Song Ever
The Biggest Boyband in the world are unfortunately, not immune to having new music leaked. Their song "Best Song Ever" was put online yesterday. I heard the track in full yesterday on a Tumblr Page and it is classic One Direction, its a song that fifteen year old girls can sing along to in an arena at the top of their lungs. Its more guitar based which I find is what 1D songs seem to include. I myself am not a massive fan of 1D's music but I really like them as a band and I love seeing them do so well. There are a few songs I like but I am never rushing to buy their music. This song is no different. The However its a sing along track and with 1D singing it it will be a hit. It's also going to be featured in their new concert movie which should also help shoot the song to a high chart position. In my opinion its an alright track but it will be loved by 1D fans and that at the end of the day is who they want to love it. 

Jonas Brothers: The First Time
This is the band I was into when I was fifteen. I was a big fan of these boys, I discovered them while on youtube and I thought they had really good, upbeat songs. I have the book, t-shirt, CD and ticket stub. They have been on a break for about three years and they are back at last. We saw them working on new material on the first series on Kevin Jonas and his wife Daniella show "Married to Jonas". This is the second song of their new material and I think it is a lot better than the first release pom poms. I absolutely love this song, I have it on constant repeat. Its a chilled out dance track and a song that you can have on full blast in the car while out for a spin. Its really relaxing but still has a nice bit of energy. I prefer this song to 1D as I think its a bit more mature sounding. I think the JoBros sound has matured along with the its audience and I am still loving their sound.

Monday 15 July 2013

Skins Pure Part 1: Review

Tonight Skins followed Cassie from Generation 1. It follows the dippy blonde we know and love, trying to figure out her life in London. She is being followed a person taking photos of her going about her daily life. Finding out about this obviously creeps her out and it gets even worse when she finds out it s her co-worker Jacob.
I always liked Cassie, She was a damaged but lovable character and her relationship with Sid was one of my all time favorite tv pairings. She tells new friend Maddie that she went traveling around America with a Boy and us viewers presumed she was talking about Sid.

I thought the episode was a bit meke and lacked substance. With Effys story last week it has a bit more structure and felt like it was going somewhere, with this is just seems to lack any sort of real story. I did think however, that Hannah Murray who plays Cassie is still as good as ever. She reminded me why I liked Cassie in the first place and gave a strong performance, its just a pity the writers couldn't give her a better story and couldn't let her explore the character a bit more. Its the second part next week and I don't know where they can go
with it but as a Skins fan I will be watching, even it it is just to see if she will say "Oh Wow" or "Lovely.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Cory Monteith

Today I woke up and did my usual routine of checking my Social Media Accounts. I saw a tweet Nick Jonas just posted about how he was sorry to hear about Cory Montieth. I thought the Glee star was in some sort of accident but when I searched his name in twitter it was confirmed he was found dead. To say I was shocked was an understatement.
The actor has been open about his alcohol and substance abuse in the past and went into rehab in April for a substance addiction but he always came across healthy to me and totally in love with his co-star Lea Michele.
The fact that the star seemed to be doing great probably makes it that more shocking. He seemed fine. He and Leah seemed happy and in Love. The first thing I thought when I read the news was, Poor Leah. I cant imagine how she can be feeling right now. There has been talk on twitter that they were set to marry in two weeks which makes this sad story so much more tragic.
Cory's death is shocking and sad because he was also at the beginning of great things. Glee is still on the biggest shows on TV and he became an overnight sensation as the shows leading man. He was still featured heavily even though his character is finished high school. I loved his story and how his character developed over the 4 series of the show. He was about to branch out and do some films, now he wont be able to go on and do more amazing things and that is so sad.
He was a great singer, great actor and he will be sorely missed. As a Glee fan it will be weird and sad to watch the shows without his character. However he has left the world with some great covers and performances. Below is my favorite cover he did on Glee. Its of The Doors Song "Hello, I Love You" from season 1. I love how the song suits his voice and I think its a great track. It's not the most well known Glee track but it has always been a personal favorite of mine.
RIP Cory, a short life gone but he touched so many people around the world.

(A Link to my favorite Glee Performance from Cory)

Sunday 7 July 2013

Review: Opening Episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians New Season

They're Back! The craziest family in TV have returned. That's right The new season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians kicked off tonight for UK & Ireland viewers and it certainly made interesting viewing! We now know that baby North is here but the new series starts off Kim being heavily pregnant, still married to Kris Humpheries and looking for a new house. It follows Kim trying to figure out what to do, although next time you are about 6 months pregnant, don't sell your house until you have an idea of where you will be living when the baby arrives!
In the Jenner household Bruce decides to get a place of his own, to come and go when it all gets to much in Kris's manor! Naturally for space we all pick a nice beach house in Malibu! Bruce also tries to teach Kylie how to drive, a daunting task for any parent, just ask my mother! The youngest of the clan is not great starting off but we're all a little bad at the start Kylie!
Koutney and Scott are having a mini drama with Scott demands to experiment more the bedroom, with Koutnrey very hesitant. She eventually gets him to back down but not without Scotts lack of trying!
Khloe is floating around giving everyone advice on their dramas but having none herself, crazy a Kardashian with no drama!
This family can be criticized for showing to much but some people are more open than others, this family have made their cash being open with the public and this episode was no different. I love this show and watching  this family is very entertaining! Love them or hate they you cant deny they bring entertainment mixed in with real life that is so fun to watch, I cant wait for more Kardashian drama in the coming weeks, and from the promo it looks like its going to be very interesting series.

Thursday 4 July 2013

American Wonders

Since today is the 4th of July I thought I would show my Appreciation to the land of the free. America has a huge impact on Irish culture and there are some American Citizens I am thankful the great country shared them with us. Here is a list of Americans that I have love and admiration for. God Bless America and Happy 4th of July! 

Bill Clinton: This man is one of my all time heros. I myself am a History lover and this man helped shaped Modern Northern Ireland, he gave his time and wisdom to help stop all the chaos that was happening up North, for that the Irish are extremely grateful and we haven't forgotten it, and I don't think we ever will. I also think the man has been the coolest president ever and I think he did a very good job leading his people. 

Ralph Lauren: This man is my all time favorite designer. I have been warning his clothes since I was 10 years old and they always made me feel confident and pretty. I love how he is a self made man and has never lost his touch. I admire him as a fashion lover and a future business woman (hopefully anyway). He is amazing what he does and he has never let fashion lovers down 

Britney Spears: I remember being 4 years old and dancing around my living room to my Baby One More Time Tape Set (back when I was a kid CD's weren't even invented let alone iPods). I have loved this woman and her music even since she first came on the music scene. I have been a massive fan of her work and she is my childhood hero. She may have had a breakdown and lost her way for a bit, but she has had the most successful comeback in history and no one can argue, she is a part of pop music history. 

Leo DiCaprio: This man amazes me. I love watching him on screen, He just blows me away with his performances. I think he is the best actor of his generation and I think its such a shame he has not received an Oscar for his efforts. I have seen nearly everyone of his movies and I think he is one of the greatest actors Hollywood has ever produced.

Marilyn Monroe: I have always had such a fascination with this women. I think she is the epitome of sexy and I think they way she is still so famous and loved, even after being gone for 50 years, shows how much of an icon she really is. To me she is utterly fabulous.

Abraham Lincoln: This man is a true American hero. He abolished slavery and  in my view, was a President who really wanted to move America forward, instead of keeping it the same way, which to me shows vision and bravery. One of his quotes is one I live by "Whatever You Are, Be A Good One."

File:Steve Jobs Headshot 2010-CROP.jpg
Steve Jobs: This man changed our world. He started the company that many of us could not imagine the world without and even when he was kicked out of Apple he came back and made it bigger than ever. His passing shocked and saddened the world and his legacy will live on through the company and Apple users. The fact that most people found out about his death on a device he created is a testament to the genius and to the innovator he was. We owe so much to this man and I know I am thankful that he made our lives that little bit easier through his genius. 

Barack Obama: I have supported Obama since the he was running for the Democratic Nomination against Hillary Clinton. I have always thought he was charismatic, smart and articulate. When he won in 2008 I was so happy and when he was re elected he proved his critics wrong by saying he would be a 1 term President. He has done a lot for America, making healthcare more accessible, supported Gay Marriage and filed briefs urging the supreme court to strike down DOMA and started a military Operation to find America's Enemy. He has also been very gracious about my country, and the Irish return the favour.

Will Smith: I love this man, I think he is a great actor and is still as good as he was in Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
He can sing, rap, act and he is great husband and father. He has got the charm and charisma money can't. buy. I love how even though Fresh Prince has been off the air for nearly 20 year he still gets loves talking about it. Most actors would prefer to talk about current projects and not want to discuss their former roles, but he embraces it and everyone who has seen the Graham Norton Performances knows, he is still fantastic at that theme tune, all together now, "Now this is story all about how my..." 

Michael Jackson: This is a legend and it was a huge loss when he passed, his music is timeless and I think he was one of the greatest performers that ever lived. He is controversial and a talking point but you can't take away from the fact that his music was amazing and he loved his children dearly. People say he is not their biological father but he raised them, loved them and supported them and That is a father, biological or not. He is great loss to the entertainment world and went way before his time. 

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