Sunday 16 June 2013

Baby Kimye: She's Here!

Last Night Kim Kardashian and Kanye West welcomed a baby girl into the world. She was a month early and according to reports she was 5lb's. Kim choose Ceders Sinai Medical Center to welcome the famous tot into the world. Surprisingly none of her sisters have tweeted any word of the great news. Although we did see a picture of her best friend and show regular Jonathan Cheban carry pink roses, no doubt who they are for!
The baby is  reported to look like Kim more then Kanye with her skin tone and hair supposedly matching Kim's. Twitter erupted with the news but of course there was hate swirling around the net. All I can say is Kim gave birth to new life last night and you tweeted crap about her after she did. Who's pathetic now?!

I cannot wait to see the baby and I wish they all a lifetime of happiness!

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