Saturday 31 August 2013

Khloe & Lamar Sad Story

For weeks we have heard stories that Khloe Kardashian Odom and her basketball star husband Lamar Odom are spitting up. There are reports he cheated, went missing and now it's reported he has a serious drug problem. It also emerged today that she kept his drug taking a secret from her famous family because she "didn't want to burden them with her problems".
That to me is so sad, the family prides itself on being there for one another in times of need and the fact that the family have been there for other members for other problems, which seem feeble compared to Khloes, really makes me feel that bad for her.
I don't know if any of the stories are true and I don't really believe much unless it's confirmed, but if they are having all these problems Kris and co should be the first to jump in and help Khloe through it.
Khloe has always been a  devoted wife from what we have seen on the show. The two seem so in love with each other, three years into their marriage and they seemed to be of of those couples would be together forever.
First there were reports Lamar cheated with a lawyer and now that he is addicted to Oxycontin and Coke.
Khloe seems to the type of woman who will fight to the death for her man, but it is just so sad that Lamaris in this supposed state. The family need to rally around the pair and help them get through all this drama, I really hope they don't split, they seem made for each other, I just hope that Lamar can get clean if he does have this addiction and that they grow old together and live happily ever after.

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