Monday 24 March 2014

Kim Kardashians Vouge Cover

Hey all, sorry the blogs been a bit dead, again I have been swamped with work from college.
Last Week Kim Kardashian's dream came true as her American Vouge cover debuted last week. It features the reality star is a stunning Lanvin wedding dress with her fiance Kanye West.
To say Vouge has come under fire for their choice for cover star is an understatement.
There were rumors flying that Anna Wintor would never put her on the cover and now she did people are saying she should just resign and that Vouge has gone down hill.
Buffy actress Sarah Michelle Geller even tweeted "well guess I'm Cancelling my Vouge Subscription, who's with me".
Honestly I think the cover is stunning and love them or adore them they are the most talked about couple at the moment and their upcoming wedding is going to be the celeb wedding of the year. We all know Kanye West is friends with Anna and Kim has been making a splash on the high fashion scene. However she would not be in any of these circles if it were not for Kanye, she is first and foremost a Reality Star, Reality stars are known to be bottom of the barrel however the Kardashians are the reality stars. If anyone knows me, I love them, I think they are so entertaining and stylish, they are my style icons, that is no secret, however  some people hate them and think they are so trashy.
Are they trashy, not in my opinion, but are they as well regarded as other cover stars Jennifer Lawrence, Angelina Jolie and Kate Upton.
I love it, I think she looks amazing, however she is the Ultimate Love/ Hate figure and by the looks of it she is here to stay in the headlines

Kim Kardashian Vogue Cover
Aprils Cover Girl 

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