Thursday 4 April 2013

Trend Timetravel

The 90's, a decade known to people for the emergence of Grunge, Girl Power and The Show that brought us "The Rachel". Yes the 90's was a fun decade. Style wise we went from the Hippie Look to Pastels. Midriffs were on show and capri were a fashion must have. Now in 2013 we are seeing a massive revival fashion wise from the not so past decade. As a 90's kid I still like to watch some old shows from the 90's. I was watching some Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Saved By The Bell and I noticed some outfits would not look so out of place today. Colorful belly tops, faded jeans, colorful base ball caps, some of these items you can get in any good retailer.
I for one think the 90's were a great decade, especially culture wise. At the moment we are seeing a massive revival in 90's pop bands with the ITV2 show "The Big Reunion". The likes of 5ive, Liberty X and B*witched and we just saw Ant and Dec nab the number one spot in the charts with their 19 year old song "Lets Get Ready To Rhumble". However as much as I love a bit of nostalgia I'm not sure how sold I am on head to toe denim. In the last few years we've seen the 80's making a strong comeback fashion wise, the 60's had a major revival with Mad Men and the Boho 70's look is forever being championed by the likes of Sienna Miller and Vanessa Hudgens, now the 90's are making their comeback and I have to ask, why we recycle the trends of decades past instead of making new ones and moving fashion forward. Not to be a fashion funsucker, I have invested in a varsity jacket and a cute denim jacket, both from New Look, other 90's items I spotted on my travels were a pair of denim degrees, graphic print pants and ALOT of leather.
As much as I sound like as a fashion bore I actually think that this trend is a trend that people can have a lot of fun with. As much as I wont be wearing denim dungarees and dressing like Kelly Kapowski I will defiantly be dipping my toe into this colorful trend.

The 90's trend is being championed by modern day style icons such as Cara Delevinge, Rita Ora.

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