Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Why Pretty Hurts

Everyone knows Beyonce is a stunning woman whose beauty is timeless and who can look good is almost anything. She released her video for her song Pretty Hurts which shows her being in a beauty pageant and the behind the scenes ridicule and the harsh preparation just to be the most beautiful of them all.
She said in the behind the scenes video that it breaks her heart to see what some girls go through just to look good. Not only do us woman wax, shave, diet and almost starve ourselves to look good, but we do it mainly for other people and not for ourselves. Now I'm not a feminist but I do think how much easier would life be if we did not have to make sure the teeth are pearly white, our clothes for us well, our makeup is perfect and our hair is on point, just to go out the door for college or to grab a coffee.
We do these things to ourselves because we want people to think we are beautiful ,because every girl deserves to think she is beautiful.
Some girls take it further though, they starve themselves, take pills, exercise to extremes all to look "pretty". We are damaging ourselves, Beyonce is right "Pretty Hurts" but will we ever be in a place where we say, no I'm not shaving my armpits or not I am going to go out with no make up on, I don't think so, because if we don't think that looks "right" then chances are we feel others won't either.
We all look good, even if we are not "On" everyday we should remember that not everyone needs to be "on" all the time and that if we see a girl whose hair is greasy or who has not an ounce of make up on, not to look down on her and not to look at her like she is a crazy cat lady, because we have all felt not so hot every now and again, and being Pretty can hurt.

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