Tonight Skins followed Cassie from Generation 1. It follows the dippy blonde we know and love, trying to figure out her life in London. She is being followed a person taking photos of her going about her daily life. Finding out about this obviously creeps her out and it gets even worse when she finds out it s her co-worker Jacob.
I always liked Cassie, She was a damaged but lovable character and her relationship with Sid was one of my all time favorite tv pairings. She tells new friend Maddie that she went traveling around America with a Boy and us viewers presumed she was talking about Sid.
I thought the episode was a bit meke and lacked substance. With Effys story last week it has a bit more structure and felt like it was going somewhere, with this is just seems to lack any sort of real story. I did think however, that Hannah Murray who plays Cassie is still as good as ever. She reminded me why I liked Cassie in the first place and gave a strong performance, its just a pity the writers couldn't give her a better story and couldn't let her explore the character a bit more. Its the second part next week and I don't know where they can go
with it but as a Skins fan I will be watching, even it it is just to see if she will say "Oh Wow" or "Lovely.
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